Friday, November 27, 2009

A Sad Day

Aloha to our customers & friends..

This past year has been quite difficult for both Passion & myself.
Real life and trials that come from life, kept
us away from creating.
However, for Passion, that has come to an end.

Early this morning, Passion or Pash lost her battle with cancer and is
now with the angels. She is a truly remarkable woman who did not give up,
who fought her hardest, and was just a joy to be around.
I will truly miss my partner in crime and
the talks that we shared.

I will continue designing scrap kits and keep
Lava DownUnder alive for this is what made her happy.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you to all of you for making this such an
interesting journey for her.

Pash... You will be missed..
Aloha mau loa, Polu