Saturday, May 3, 2008

Freebie~Mother's Love Cluster Frames

Mother's Love Cluster Frame Freebie
For PERSONAL use only.
An add-on to our Mother's Love kit!
Includes 2 cluster frames.
Download here:


Anonymous said...

hi babe,
just checking out your site and... it looks awsome. I'm glad you're having fun. don't let the bad man or "woman" ruin your day. some people hate themselves so much that they want everyone else to drown in their negative spit and vomit.

to everyone else... know this, the gorgeous women that are making these beautifu designs for your convenience and pleasure made these from their hearts. i should know, i'm married to one of 'em. they are just trying to have some fun. if you start a bashing group against my two angels, then maybe you should give yourselves a great big hug and say to yourselves " I AM SOMEBODY" then click your heels three times, have a coke and a smile and have a f&@!in nice day.

Anonymous said...

Very cool cluster frames! Thank you :-)